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pH Buffer Solution Bottle reed-instruments 19.98 CAT1181XZ
C$ 19.98

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1 pH Buffer Solution Bottle reed-instruments 19.98 CAT1181XZ
C$ 19.98

Sold as: Bottle

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Yes No
2 pH Buffer Solution Bottle reed-instruments 19.98 CAT1181XZ
C$ 19.98

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Yes No
3 Standard Conductivity Test Solution Bottle reed-instruments 19.98 CAT1181XZ Yes No
4 pH Buffer Solution Kit reed-instruments 56.94 CAT1181XZ
C$ 56.94

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Yes No
5 pH 7.01 Buffer Solution hanna-instruments 24.1 CAT1181XZ Yes No
6 pH 10.01 Buffer Solution hanna-instruments 24.1 CAT1181XZ Yes No
7 Humidity Calibration Kit (33% and 75%) reed-instruments 188.81 CAT1181XZ Yes No
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C$ 19 C$ 199